

你被耍了;当我与你在月下,低声私语,热烈拥抱,流泪或是微笑;你还真以为,我爱上你了;不过说真的,谈恋爱是两个人的事。Put you another foul, are you?


上图。这套名叫Freeze Frame Screen, the Shadow, Hot Heads Under Silent Wigs的作品非常有创意。

Tim Noble and Sue Webster, Real Life is Rubbish, 2002 two separate piles of general household rubbish onto which a light is projected, creating a shadow self-portrait of Noble and Webster

Shigeo Fukuda, Lunch with a Helmet On, 1987 由 848 只刀、叉和勺子组成

Tim Noble and Sue Webster, Dirty White Trash [With Gulls], 1998 画家的废弃物组成,花了六个月

Tim Noble and Sue Webster, HE/SHE, 2003 这个最好玩。。。

unknown artist, unsourced image
